Shipping and Delivery
At FE SPORTS NZ LIMITED we're proud to say that the majority of orders received are shipped the same business day. However, when calculating the expected arrival date for your order, be sure to add 1-business day for processing of the order to the estimated shipping times below.
Courier collections and deliveries are made Monday through Friday only.
Freight charges are calculated at the time of ordering, based on the items being ordered. Charges are based on weight, or cubic weight, which ever is greater.
The majority of orders received by FE SPORTS NZ LIMITED before 3.00pm NZ Time are shipped the same business day. The majority of orders should arrive within 3 Business days. Please note that a small amount of orders require extra processing time for various reasons. Those will be shipped the following business day.
Depending on the order size, quantity, and destination, delivery can take between 3 and 5 business days. Bulk shipments on Pallets may take up to 7 business days.
If you have ordered an item that is out-of-stock or sold-out, we will attempt to contact you and offer you the opportunity to order an alternative product - or to provide a full refund in accordance with terms of our returns policy.
Kindly understand that a delay may also occur if your credit card was declined or for address verification if your billing address was entered incorrectly.
PLEASE NOTE: Rural and some residential areas may require an additional day(s) delivery time.